Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm a Winner!!!!

I never win anything. Farmer Man never wins anything. Well, I won a TV once at a baseball game - in 1987! Farmer Man won a free play on a lotto ticket not to long ago! So, I was thrilled to get an email that I had won a contest at Style at Home, my fav Canadian decorating magazine. The contest was held by the blog 'Natural Chic', which is all about eco-friendly decorating, it involved eco-friendly cleaning solutions; my entry was baking soda for scrubbing and vinegar for window washing (pretty standard in the earth friendly cleaning department) but together they can make a great drain cleaner! So, yesterday in the mail I received my prize: a copy of the 'Eco-Clean Deck' by Annie B. Bond. It's a great little 'file cabinet' divided into sections like all-purpose, kitchen and bath, living room and bedroom, laundry, pest control. Her five basic ingredients for less toxic cleaning: baking soda, washing soda, liquid soap or detergent, distilled vinegar and an antiseptic essential oil (we have lavender around all the time, she also suggests tea tree, sweet orange, lemongrass, rose, clove, eucalyptus and cinnamon). Here's a recipe from the deck for an all purpose cleaner, great on dirt and grime. 1/2 teaspoon washing soda, 2 teaspoons borax, 1/2 teaspoon liquid soap or detergent and 2 cups hot water. Combine in a spray bottle and shake well to blend and dissolve. Spray and wipe! Annie Bond says it has an indefinite shelf life, just shake well each time you go to use it. I'll share some more recipes as I work my way through the deck. If you need a copy for yourself, I added it to the Amazon list on the right of this blog! (Starting your shopping there will also help keep The Hens in the style to which they would like to become accustomed!) Have you any hot earth-friendly cleaning tips?

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