Yes, that is a chicken waterer in my bathtub. Keeping chickens gets interesting once the temperature falls (and stays) well below freezing. We have no outdoor running water once freeze-up comes. I think for Christmas Farmer Man has asked for one of those water hoses that never freeze - we'll see...... In the meantime, cleaning and refilling goes on in the bathroom. I worry some about contamination, so we don't run the risk of bringing items from the coop, except eggs, into the kitchen. We're careful about clean-up, try not to set down the grungy waterers any where except in the foyer and we wash up well afterwards. We even try not to set down the egg basket in the coop! We think our chickens are pretty healthy, but lets get real: they poop on the floor, then walk through it, then clamber at the edge of a waterer or even get up on top of the waterer and then poop. It's not big or smelly or anything but it can still carry contaminants, so we can't be too careful.
Another winter chore that I have to get organized is bathing facilities for The Hens. I noticed yesterday that one of the girls was trying to have a bath in the wood shavings on the floor of the coop and it wasn't going that well. Chickens like to have dust baths, they 'throw' dust up through their feathers with their wings and feet. Last year I put a large kitty litter box of potting soil into the coop, and I've got to get that organized again. Thing is, that kitty litter box is in use with the little wild kitties so I've got to find or buy another container. With Christmas coming, I'm sure The Hens just want to look beautiful!
Oh my but you just fully described my day. I have a sick chicken in the bathtub at the moment -she gets moved into a box for water jug melting/cleaning/filling. I use an old cracked storage bin for peat moss bathing but yes, this is the winter chicken grind. Ain't life grand?
ReplyDeleteBut, worth the fresh eggs, no? You use peat moss for winter bathing - that would probably be a better price than a bag of potting soil. They tend to spray half of it out of the container and onto the floor anyway, don't they?
ReplyDeleteI think the peat moss has a broader variety of itchy/scratchy least the chix make a much bigger deal out of it. Our prices for organic peat vs soil makes the peat moss a huge winner. I would find winter less than joyful without the chicken days, they always seem happy to see me. But then I actually love routine. Like everyone else, I'll be ready for it to change come March, lol.
ReplyDeleteA hot tip, Cynthia. Thank you!! I'm hoping for good news in your search for a home for your llama! I'm checking your blog.....